Episode 12: Dr. Allison Bailes

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In this episode, Shawna has a conversation with Dr. Allison Bailes. His company, Energy Vanguard offers consulting, training, quality assurance, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system design.


  • Why his Phd dissertation thesis is titled, Flat or Lumpy?

  • Why Shawna calls his popular Energy Vanguard blog a “Treasure trove for anybody who wants to know about building science.”

  • Why he says that the biggest myth in building science is that “a house needs to breathe.”

Find out more! Follow on social media:

Twitter: @EnergyVanguard

Are you interested in having a conversation with Shawna on This Must Be the Place? Reach out by email to Tanya Chedrawy, tanya@tanyamedia.com .



Episode 13: Dale Rott


Episode 11: Anna Gillcash